Argoon Wind Farm

A new wind farm project in Australia

Contributing to Climate Change Policy Targets

New South Wales Government: The state government is committed to transforming the New South Wales electricity system to one that is cheap, clean and reliable. The Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020 outlines the state's roadmap, which supports investment, employment, lower electricity costs and the reduction of NSW electricity emissions by 90 tonnes by 2030. This goal feeds into the state's aim to deliver on its net zero emissions by 2050. With the NSW Renewable Energy industry boasting an estimated 35% annual growth rate, NSW is et to be the leading state for 'clean energy production, decarbonisation and having emissions by 2030. The Argoon Wind Farm Project will assist NSW in reaching the lead in renewable energy position if constructed. 

Federal Government: The Federal Government objective is to achieve an additional 33,000 gigawatt hours of electricity from renewable sources each year under the Large-scale Renewable Energy target. The Argoon Wind Farm Project will contribute to the Renewable Energy Target if constructed.

International: The COP21, also known as the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, achieved a legally binding universal agreement on climate, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C, chiefly by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Development in renewable energy such as the Argoon Wind Farm project is require to achieve this reduction.