Argoon Wind Farm
A new wind farm project in Australia
Project Summary
- Up to 106 wind turbines (each up to 280m tip height), with associated hardstanding areas and access roads
- operations and maintenance building with associated car parking
- Electrical substations
- Overhead and underground electrical cable reticulation
- Meteorological masts for measuring wind speed and other climatic conditions
- Temporary construction facilities including a construction compound, borrow pit and concrete batching plant facilities
- Containerised batter energy storage
The design continues to be shaped by a number of detailed technical, engineering and environmental studies and assessments including:
- Ecology - Flora and Fauna
- Landscape and Visual
- Noise
- Cultural Heritage
- Bushfire Risk
- Shadow Flicker and Blade Glint
- Electromagnetic Interference Studies including TV & radio reception
- Aviation
- Access and Transport
- Geology and Hydrology
- Socio Economic